Automatic Biomass Pellet Burner Installed in Malaysia
Driven by Japanese market, many new projects are being developed for the production of palm EFB pellets. Supply of palm based biomass materials is legal and sustainable. High quality palm EFB pellets can be produced through state of the art technology.In January 2021, SIMEC innovative SAPB1500 pellet burner was installed in Malaysia. The burner is designed to use biomass pellets as fuel and generate heat for the drying section of palm EFB pellet project.

Without major modification, pellet burner can replace of gas/oil fired burner, completing the transformation from fossil energy to biomass energy.
SIMEC pellet burner features the following advantages:
- Automatic & smart operation;
- Fast ignition & stable flame;
- High thermal efficiency;
- Automatic ash discharge system;
- Advanced refractory material;
- Combustion chamber equipped with water cooling system;
- Robust and reliable.
To learn more about SIMEC pellet burner, please send your inquiry to
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